Get Ready for Max - New HBO Merged With Discovery App to Launch

Get Ready for Max - New HBO Merged With Discovery App to Launch

Stay Ahead of the Game: Pre-order Max Now!

MAX - New  HBO Merged With Discovery App

Max is what you get when you cross HBO's award-winning HBO Max Channel with Discovery and the new combined app will be available on May 23.
Current subscribers will get it for the same price they are paying now, at least for a while.

Here's How To Get the Max App

Depending on the devices you use, one of two scenarios will occur:

1. If you already have HBO Max installed, it will automatically update to the new version called Max. 
2. If you open HBO Max and haven't updated it yet, you'll receive a prompt to download the Max app. Once you have the Max app installed, simply open it to begin streaming.

You won't lose any content switching apps once you sign into the app, all your profiles, watch history, and My List will be there waiting for you.

Prepare Your Mobile Device for HBO Discovery Content

Be the First in Line: Pre-order Max on the Apple App Store or Pre-register on Google Play

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