Lemon Group Exploits 8.9 Million Pre-Infected Android Phones

Lemon Group Exploits 8.9 Million Pre-Infected Android Phones

Be Extra Careful If You Use Android Devices

Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro stated that infected smartphones became “mobile proxies,” or instruments used to steal and resell SMS messages, social networking accounts, online messaging accounts, and monetize via adverts and click fraud.

Infected Android Phones

There are at least 8.9 million infected Android devices, primarily low-priced handsets, with the greatest concentration of infections found in countries like (the U.S., Mexico, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia, South Africa, India, Angola, the Philippines, and Argentina).


The cybersecurity company described this as an ever-evolving problem, with the threat actors now targeting Smart TVs, Android TV boxes, entertainment systems, and even children’s watches that run the Android operating system.

Beware of Cheap Android Devices

Cheap hacked Android media problems that are compromised can be a real problem for consumers. 
The Nvidia SHIELD and Chromecast with Google TV are two devices we can recommend that run on Android.
They are both designed and built by reputable U.S. companies.
Find deals on new and lightly used SHIELD TV Pro, and Chromecast models on eBay

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