A Roku, Apple TV, and Nvidia SHIELD Walked into a Bar
Three of today's most popular Media Players all showed up together and you won't believe the conversation they had
The patrons at the local tavern didn't quite know what to think when one day a Roku, Apple TV, and Nvidia SHIELD walked into the bar. A moment later a hush fell over the bar as everyone eyed the newcomers.
Roku then broke the silence and announced in a strong voice, I'm the most popular media streamer money can buy. Apple TV countered, you may be the most popular but I'm the most loved by my owners. Not to be outdone, the Nvidia SHIELD piped up, well I'm the best looking.
And with that, the entire bar let out a roar of laughter, as today's top media players continued bantering over which one was best.
App Stores Galore
All three companies make great media players that can shave your monthly television bill with loads of free content. Since all three can play almost all the same content from sources like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Disney+, Paramount, and all the others.
But what separates them the most is performance. They are not all equal when it comes to price and performance. Roku is like a Chevy or Ford, more affordable than both the SHEILD and Apple TV. If the SHIELD were a car, it would be more like a Porsche, and the Apple TV more like a Tesla.
All three media streamers have some nice features. Roku has a large number of channels available with many that are FREE. Both Apple and Google also built extensive Play Stores as well.
It All Comes Down to This
For most people choosing a new media streamer is not hard. They usually get a recommendation from a friend, or it could be an impulse buy at the local Walmart. But what really separates Roku, Apple TV, and Nvidia SHIELD is the software it runs on.
Both Roku and Apple TV have software that is incredibly easy to use. Most people will feel at home with a Roku or Apple TV remote in their hand in just a few minutes. The Nvidia SHIELD is something else entirely. Because to use it, you will need to get comfortable with Android. Which is almost like learning another computer operating system.
In fact, the Nivida SHIELD is like a computer. Android can not only be used for streaming media, but it can also use a bunch of other productivity apps. Another big difference is Android has a Web Browser, which both Roku and Apple TV don't.
Since the SHEILD which runs on Android is more like a PC, you can also easily sideload TV apps that can receive all kinds of free and sometimes copyrighted content. Both Apple and Roku did an excellent job of locking down their platforms so this is not as prevalent. But both do support AirPlay and Mirroring.
Mirroring and AirPlay will let you cast an online video, song, or photo from your PC, Phone, or Tablet to your TV using your media streamer.
The Bottom Line
Choosing a new media streamer is fun. You won't go wrong with either a Roku, Apple TV, or Nvidia SHIELD. It may come down to what you can afford. In this regard, Roku has both Apple TV and the SHIELD beat because they make media players fit any price range.
Even though the Nivida SHEILD and Apple TV have a more premium price tag. Both offer superior hardware with top performance. Which means you are getting what you pay for.
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