New 2022 Apple TV is Faster and Cheaper than the Last Model it Replaced
Apple just announced a newly revised Apple TV 4K that will be released this November
Whoever said good things come in small packages, must have had the new 3rd Generation 2022 Apple TV 4K in mind. Not only does it come with a slightly smaller footprint, but it also sports 2X the memory and includes a 50% faster CPU.
2022 3rd Generation Apple TV 4K Specs
With the new 3rd generation 2022 Apple TV 4K, Apple went all out and greatly improved what's inside and changed the remote charging cable from Lightning to USBC. But they took it even a step further and reduced the price making this model a little more affordable as well.
The top-of-the-line model now costs $149 instead of $200. It comes with 128GB of RAM which is double what last year's model topped out at that maxed out at 64GB.
The next model down tops out at 64GB and is $129.00 instead of the last model which was $149 and topped at 32MB of Ram. This will put the Apple TV a little closer in line with Roku Ultras. And it now offers an even better value than an Nvidia SHIELD which is Apple's closest competitor to the Apple TV 4K.
The processor is also greatly improved from last year's 2021 Apple TV model which came with an A12 Bionic. The new model now comes with an A15 Bionic which has 1 50% faster CPU, and 30% faster GPU than the A12. This and the additional RAM should greatly help improve gameplay on Apple Arcade and streaming in HDR10.
Since it's been a while since we've seen any kind of major refresh of an Nvidia SHIELD's hardware, the new Apple TV 4K is now in a class of its own with no other media player coming anywhere close to matching these higher-performing specs.
The New Apple TV is 2X As Heavy As Last Year's Apple TV 4K
Something you may notice is the weight on this year's Apple TV is twice as heavy as last year's model. We can only speculate at this point but since they shrunk the overall package. And since this year's model no longer has a fan, Apple undoubtedly had to include a much larger and heavier heat sink to better help dissipate heat.
Only the More Expensive Apple TV 4K Model Comes With an Ethernet Port
Ethernet lets you hardwire your Apple TV to a Router or Network Switch. This is a much more secure and stable connection to the Internet than WiFi. For this reason alone, it's worth the slight price increase between it and the less expensive model. And with double the RAM, it makes it even more sense to pony up the extra $20 when ordering.
Only available for pre-order as of now, Apple plans to start shipping these out on November 4. So if you want a media streamer that is faster than an Nvidia SHIELD and every bit as easy to use as a Roku. The new 2022 3rd Generation Apple TV 4K may be the ticket.
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