Some free streaming channels and apps with ads are good, some not as much
Free streaming channels and apps are becoming increasingly popular these days. With record inflation and ever-increasing prices, now more than ever cord cutters are tuning in to FREE TV in record numbers. With these streaming apps, you also get to watch advertisements, which is the primary reason they are free to watch in the first place.
The Good Free Streaming Channels
Want to watch a decent TV show, and not get interrupted every few minutes by the same ad over and over? The Roku Channel and Tubi TV both rock, you won't find the ads to be overly intrusive so you can enjoy a TV show with minimal interruptions. Peacock with ads is also terrific.
The Not-So-Good Free Streaming Channels
Crackle has way too many ads. So ad-averse cord-cutters may need to look elsewhere or pony for a paid streaming service that does not show ads.
Pluto TV also includes ads, but its streaming service offers a ton of content, and the ads are not all that bad either. We've heard both good and bad about FREEVE, this is the former IMDb channel that is owned by Amazon.
It's kind of hit and miss, sometimes you can watch an entire movie with only one 15-second advertisement. Then other times it seems like there are many ads when watching a show.
If you pay for a subscription with ads, like the new Netflix ad-supported plan, or you stream one of the free channels that are supported by ads, you will be forced to watch ads.
Think of this time as a perfect opportunity for a snack or bathroom break. And the best part is you won't even need to click the pause button on your remote.
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