Flixable Netflix Search
If you have Netflix, you will want to use Flixable
Flixable is like Google for Netflix Search. It will make finding new movies or TV shows to watch a snap no matter which country you live in.
The Netflix library is huge, they really have a lot of content. Finding something good to watch on Netflix is not always easy. Enter Flixable, with their easy to use website will make this much easier.
Five Reason To Use Flixable With Netflix
Flixable is Free and Easy To Use
Flixable is a simple to use and Free search engine for find great stuff to watch on Netflix. It will help you quickly find great new content, or show you what is leaving so you can watch something before it goes.
Search Netflix By Country
Flixable will list content on Netflix from many different countries that have Netflix. To search for content on Netflix in your country, Click the Other Countries Tab and choose your Flag.
Search For Content
The search page is a great tool for finding new content. Flixable lets you sort by release year, genre, and more importantly rating. Pull the year slider to narrow your search to a range of years, and then you can filter the results by clicking the drop down button which shows when a movie or TV show was added to Netflix. (It Shows the most recent first)
Filtering results by "Rating" is really nice because it can quickly help you find the most popular movies or TV shows. This is so much better than the thumbs up or down rating system Netflix now uses on their site. Results can also be filtered by release year or title.
Netflix Originals
With Netflix now adding many excellent made for Netflix original TV shows and Movies clicking on the Originals tab near the top will list them all. You can then scroll through the list starting with the latest at the top.
Find What's Popular
If you quickly want to find what everyone else is watching and likes click the Popular tab at the top. It will show you 8 of the most popular shows and movies, listed by the day, week or month.
Flixable is an impressive site and one of the best we have found yet for finding and watching content on Netflix.
Don't Miss These Secret Codes that let you Unlock the Entire Netflix Library
Here is a simple way to see the top 100 and latest content from Netflix, Hulu Tips or The best Features of Amazon Prime Video
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