Which Roku Should You Buy?
Now that the Roku 4 has arrived, you may be wondering which Roku to get.
These are three Roku models should be at the top of your list.
The Roku 4 is Roku's new flagship model. It's ready to shred through 4K Ultra High Definition files with it's quad core processor and it will do the job quite nicely.
The Roku 2 and 3 both share the same dual core processor. Roku released these two models earlier this year. They are still both plenty powerful and more than adequate for playing 1080p HD content.
By answering a few simple yes or no questions using the flow chart below, it should help make your decision a little easier.
Just be sure if you buy a new Roku 2 or 3 it's the later model. This page will help you identify the latest Roku 2 and 3 so you won't get sold prior slower models with less features.
The Roku 2 will cost you just a little more than the Streaming stick and has a more powerful processor. The Roku 2 may in fact be the prior Roku 3 model minus the gaming remote. It is just as fast as the current Roku 3.
You still get an Ethernet port on the new Roku 2 for fastest trouble free streaming and the only thing you lose besides the gaming remote is voice search which you will only get on a Roku 3 or 4.
Hope this helps make your decision process on getting a new Roku a little easier.
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