Why the G-Box is Still a Best Seller
The G-Box Midnight MX2 introduced many people to XBMC on a low cost Android TV Streamer
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New Faster G-Box Q |
When the G Box Midnight MX2 came out a few years ago it quickly shot up the list of popular Android media streaming boxes.
One simply needs to take a look at the 2000+ reviews on Amazon to see they have built up quite a following of happy customers.
Are there better and faster Android TV boxes out there, you bet. Still, you can't argue with success. Matricom the company that builds and sells the Dual Core G-Box Midnight MX2 and their newest model the Quad Core G-Box Q is onto a good thing.
Their products are a big hit with the cord cutting crowd. While many media streaming companies limit what you can do and watch with their products, Android TV is an open platform. This means these boxes are perfect for what many consider the best media streaming software to date XBMC, which is now called Kodi.
Kodi gives cord cutters the ability to choose from a wide range of add-ons or plugins that will let streamers watch free TV content and movies.
Much of this content is not obtained from "legal" sources. Since it is streamed rather than downloaded or shared, it falls into a gray area. Like moths to a flame, this free content is still very attractive for many cordcutters who have trouble obtaining their favorite shows from legal streaming sources like Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Instant.
As far as hardware goes, the G-Box Q is up there and ahead of many other media streamers. Both Apple TV and Roku still don't yet have a Quad Core media streamer on the market. There are even faster Android TV boxes out there, some even have Octa Core processors. Yet the humble G-Box Midnight MX2 is still an Amazon top seller.
One thing many people who purchase a G-Box get is a G-Box Key which let's you program the G-Box yourself in minutes.
New users are often intimidated and this key makes the process of setting up your G-Box quick and easy. The key is nothing more than a USB flash drive with the files needed to program your G-Box.
It comes in two versions, one for the G-Box Midnight and one for their new Q Model.
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Learn more About the GBOX Key |
Run any Android App on an Android TV Box
Besides XBMC/Kodi there are a ton of other great apps available that will let you watch TV shows and moves. Play games or use your Android TV box as a mini computer. You can even surf the web right on your TV.One thing that does not work well on any Android TV box including the G-Box, is the included remote control. While these remotes are cheap, they are not entirely to blame. The Android operating system was designed to be used on a touch screen phone or tablet. A remote does not work well with this type of system.
Fortunately what does work really well is a wireless mouse, or a touchpad/keyboard combo. If buying an Android TV box, you may as well plan on getting one as well. Otherwise, you will only end up frustrated wishing you did.
Which Android TV Box Should I Buy
Trying to figure out which Android TV box to get is a common question many new users have. Another Android box that is even more popular than the G-Box is Amazon's Fire TV.While most people who buy this box will never end up loading anything other than Amazon Instant. The Fire TV can actually run Kodi and Android TV apps quite well. The Fire TV also has a Quad Core processor.
Loading Kodi and apps onto a Fire TV is slightly more difficult process than if you were to buy an Android TV box.
We have put together a list of 10 popular Android TV boxes for 2015. As new boxes come out, the list will be updated so be sure to bookmark it and refresh your browser to see the latest updates.
Included on this list are quick links to check current prices and reviews on Amazon and GeekBuying.
Top 10 Best Android TV Boxes »
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