Android will be able to detect if your phone has been snatched

Android will be able to detect if your phone has been snatched

It’s one of a slew of new privacy and theft prevention measures arriving in the near future.

Android Phone Detection Lock

Google is announcing an array of new security features as it releases its second Android 15 beta, including a feature that can detect the moment your phone is swiped from your hands. Some of these updates will be included with Android 15 when it arrives this fall, but theft detection and a number of other features will be available to phones with much older OS versions, too — bringing them to many more people.

How Theft Detection Lock Works

MTheft Detection Lock works by recognizing the unusual motions that would indicate someone has yanked your phone out of your hand or a table in front of you. To prevent a thief from being able to access information on your device, the screen automatically locks. The system looks for other signals that indicate foul play, too, and will be able to...

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