Netflix Premiumflation Strikes Again
The Hidden Costs of Premium Inflation
Low-cost streaming was fun while it lasted but it's quickly getting more expensive. A new trend these days among many companies is called Premiumflation.
Instead of increasing prices directly, companies introduce a more "premium" version of their product. This new version often outperforms the standard one, making the original product less desirable or functional. As a result, consumers end up paying more for the premium version without realizing that they're effectively experiencing a price increase.
Netflix eliminates Basic Plan only to be replaced by a more expensive plan
The old basic plan offered streaming to 1 device for 720p, at reasonable monthly cost of $9.99/month. But this plan is being eliminated with a new Standard plan that offers 1080p HD ad free streaming to two devices as long as they are in your home and not shared with anyone for $16.49 a month.
They are still offering their ad supported plan for an affordable $6.99/month which allows streaming to two devices. Streaming companies would much rather drive subscribers to plans with ads as it increases profits.
With their current offerings, the lowest cost Netflix plan with ads may be the best deal, especially if you can use it on devices with adblocker.
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