Are Apple's Roku's, and Amazon's Closed App Stores Good for Consumers?

Are Apple's Roku's, and Amazon's Closed App Stores Good for Consumers?

Are Apple's Roku's, and Amazon's Closed App Stores Good

Most devices sold today have their own app stores which place restrictive limits on the type of content consumers can add to their devices. App stores operated by Apple, Roku, and Amazon have both advantages and disadvantages for consumers.

Advantages of a Closed App Store

By tightly controlling what type of apps are allowed to be used on their devices, manufacturers are able to scan apps for malware or other security issues to keep our devices safer. 
This gives extra peace of mind that would not be otherwise available if there were no restrictions.

When it comes to Apple, Roku, and Amazon's closed app stores, there are both benefits and drawbacks for us as consumers. 
On one hand, these app stores offer a carefully curated selection of apps that have been screened for quality and safety, which can give us peace of mind.

However, this closed ecosystem can also limit our options and stifle innovation. 
Developers may be discouraged from creating new apps that don't fit the strict guidelines of these app stores, and we may miss out on potentially useful or innovative apps.

Other Disadvantages of Closed App Stores

One big concern with the closed nature of these app stores is it can lead to anti-competitive behavior. For example, Apple has been criticized for mandating that all app purchases on iOS devices go through its own payment system, allowing Apple to take a 30% cut of all app sales. This has sparked legal challenges and regulatory oversite.

  • Limited customization: Closed app stores often limit the amount of customization that users can do to their devices. For example, Apple's iOS does not allow users to install custom themes or icon packs, which may be important for some users who want a more personalized experience.
  • Higher prices: Closed app stores may also result in higher prices for consumers since developers must pay fees to list their apps in these app stores. This can lead to higher prices for consumers since developers may pass on these costs to them.
  • Limited compatibility: Closed app stores may also limit the compatibility of apps across different devices and operating systems. For example, an app that works on an Apple device may not work on an Android device or vice versa.
  • Limited access to third-party apps: Closed app stores may limit access to third-party apps, which may be important for users who need specific apps for their work or hobbies. For example, Amazon's Fire OS does not allow users to access the Google Play Store, which may limit the number of apps available to Fire OS users.

  • While a closed app store offers some benefits, it still mostly favors device manufacturers, and places restrictions on what we can use on our devices.
    When it comes to lower-cost TV media streamers, often it means the more restricted your device becomes.

    How to Bypass App Store Content Restrictions

    Many device owners feel once they outright purchase a streaming device, phone or tablet they should have the right to do whatever they want with these devices and are not happy having restrictions placed upon them. Especially since these are often placed to enhance profits of the companiers selling these devices.

    Fortunatley, there are ways to bypass some of these restrictions using 3rd party apps, jailbreaks, and using AirPlay, Casting and Mirroring.

    On iOS Apple Devices, there are several unsupported app stores which lets you sideload apps without needing to risk jailbreaking your expensive hardware.

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    Roku has one of the most restricted app stores, but they fully allow AirPlay and Mirroring which lets you watch a movie or TV show from a Web Browser playing on anothr device to be watched directly on your TV.

    Amazon which uses a version of Android OS on their Fire TV which makes it easy to use sideloaded apps.

    Overall, while closed app stores do offer some benefits, there are also potential drawbacks that users should consider when deciding whether to use them or seek out alternative options.

    Using a PC or Mac to stream your media or play games are still the least restrictive compared to many streamers and gaming consoles.

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