Apple Releases Update for 4K Apple TV

Apple Releases Update for 4K Apple TV

Another Update Dropped Recently That Provides "Bug Fixes for Apple TV"

Apple tvOS 16.4.1 Update

Apple released tvOS 16.4.1 for all 4K Apple TV models. Which currently there are currently 3 different 4K models all with the same name. We'll give you a bit more detail on how you can tell the difference between them. Which is not easy considering they all look pretty much the same.

Here's What tvOS 16.4.1 Includes

Besides several nonspecific bugs fixed, the latest Apple TV does not go into detail on its release notes page.

All that's mentioned about the 16.4.1 tvOS update is: This update includes performance and stability improvements.

Apple fixed also fixed a security issue and may have closed other security holes which keep hackers from exploiting these devices.

If you have auto-updates enabled, your Apple TV will automatically download and install this newest update. Otherwise, open up Settings on your Apple TV and then go to System/Software Updates and click on "Update Software." It should then download and install the latest 4K Apple TV software update.

How to Tell Which Model Apple TV 4K You Have

Here's how to differentiate between the three models of the Apple TV 4K:

Apple TV 4K (1st generation): This was the first Apple TV model to support 4K resolution and HDR content. It was released in 2017 and is identifiable by its model number A1842. It has the same design as the fourth-generation Apple TV, but with a white, raised ring around the Menu button on the remote.

Apple TV 4K (2nd generation): This is the current Apple TV 4K model, released in 2021. It features an A12 Bionic chip, which provides improved performance and supports higher frame rates for gaming and video playback. The remote has also been redesigned, featuring a new touch-enabled click pad with five-way navigation and a power button for TV controls. The model number for this version is A2468.

Apple TV 4K (3rd generation): Released in 2022, this is the latest 4K Apple TV model currently available. It features a faster A15 Bionic chip and more available RAM. The base model now includes 64GB of RAM and is WiFi only, and the premium more expensive model now includes a whopping 128 GB of onboard memory and includes a Gigabit Ethernet port. The model number for this version is A2843. 
Be sure to check eBay for the best deals!

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