Will Streaming Eventually Turn Into Cable TV 2.0?

Will Streaming Eventually Turn Into Cable TV 2.0?

You can almost see the writing on the wall

When cord-cutting first happened, many streamers were happily binging unlimited content from Netflix. At this time ads were not even a consideration for most platforms. In fact, this was one of the biggest differences between cable TV and on-demand streaming. Not only could you steam as much content as you wanted for less than $10, ads on most streaming services were nonexistent.

The Evolution of Streaming: From Ad-Free Bliss to Invasive Interruptions

The early days of streaming were pretty great. But it did not take long before big media corporations decided they could make even more money by removing content they owned from Netflix and branching out independently.

Then came the constant price hikes. Now a full 4K ad-free subscription to Netflix is $20/month. And anyone who thinks these prices won't keep going even higher is fooling themselves.

With more streaming services now than ever, and many streamers canceling higher-priced tiers in favor of something more affordable, we now even have a lower-cost plan from Netflix that come with ads. 
Amazon recently announced they will also start offering a slightly less expensive Prime Video plan that will also contain ads.

With Higher Profits From Ad-Supported Plans, It's Only a Matter of Time

Never underestimate a large corporation's insatiable appetite for earning more money, because their shareholders demand it. Cable TV once upon a time used to charge a subscription fee, and did not include any ads. But just like they went from zero to now many ads, the same thing will undoubtedly happen with streaming services over time.

Especially as prices keep climbing and they begin to see a significant drop off in their subscriber base. Ads could one day become even more necessary to feed the golden goose and prop up those declining profits.

For anyone that thinks this will never happen, just ask yourself how happy you are to pay an additional $8 a month so your kid at college can share your family's Netflix account?

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