Streamers Need To Bank On More Than Just Ads – As They Add More Ads

Streamers Need To Bank On More Than Just Ads – As They Add More Ads

Think Outside The Box

Streamers being hit with more ads

Streaming services are leaning heavily on advertising. But the ad market remains soft, so media companies are diversifying revenue by increasing their prices and varying how they offer content, including... Continue Reading

Ads Can Save You Money On Streaming But Too Many Ads Can Backfire

Media streaming companies are pulling out all the stops to increase revenue. As money becomes tighter for many cord-cutters they are not subscribing to as many streaming TV services as they once did.

Quite a few cor-cutters have abandoned the subscription streaming model altogether in favor of lower-cost or free streaming sites supported entirely by ads.

As company profits continue to shrink, they are dreaming of ways to tap further into their customer's wallets. From charging more for shared passwords something Netflix just rolled out recently in the U.S. to implementing even more ad segments into their free or lower-cost tiers.

There will come a point of no return because as the ads keep increasing, many will simply tune out or tune into other more nefarious means to watch this same content minus the ads using blocking tools or merely watch from free online sources bypassing higher monthly fees.

Free TV Is Still a Great Alternative to Expensive Monthly Plans

If you want to watch 100% Free TV, the best bet is still an antenna installed in your attic, on a roof, or even on a balcony. 
A network DVR like the HDHomeRun lets you record free TV in 1080p, skip past any commercials, and even archive the content for offline use. Which seems to be more important as streaming companies cancel or drop shows.
Another option is to use our Free web App, to access hundreds of free streaming channels online. Click here to give it a try.

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