Google issues official warning over sketchy cheap ‘Android TV’ boxes

Google issues official warning over sketchy cheap ‘Android TV’ boxes – check yours is safe from bank-raiding crooks

Cheap Android Devices Can Cost You More in The Long Run

GOOGLE has issued Android TV users with important advice to ensure their kit is not a sketchy fake riddled with malicious malware. Experts recently revealed that several popular telly streaming boxes were not quite what they seem. GettyGoogle is urging users to carry out two simple checks[/caption] The devices in question are not made by Google but they come with Google apps. Sneaky crooks generate money by tapping on ads in the background, comm… Read Full Article

Android Streaming Boxes are Not The Only Thing Affected

Any low-cost Android wearable device, tablet, phone, or TV set can be affected. These devices may be compromised so if you plan on saving a few bucks by buying an off-brand no name product you may want to proceed with caution. 
Your data, bank accounts, and other personal information can be easily hacked and it can end up costing you much more than if you paid a few dollars more to buy a product from a reputable company.

ALSO READ: Best 15 Apps to Install on Fire TV for Maximum Entertainment 

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