HBO Max is Now the Number 3 Top Steaming Company in the U.S.
2nd Quarter HBO Max Growth Exploded
During the last quarter, HBO Max saw some of its largest gains in subscriber growth. Ironically, during this same period, Netflix lost a record number of subscribers.
This placed HBO Max in a solid third position behind Netflix which still hold onto 23% of the streaming TV market, Amazon Prime Video has a 19% market share. And coming in 3rd is HBO Max now with 14% of the market.
HBO parent company WarnerMedia predicts that after the merger with Discovery is complete later this year, they expect market share to grow even further.
These Numbers May Not Tell The Full Story
The market share number for Amazon Prime is questionable since their Prime service includes free shipping, Amazon Music, Audiobooks, and other perks. Free shipping is why many people choose to subscribe to Primes. So unless they can show how many actively watch and use Prime Video on a day-to-day basis, it may not accurately reflect how many viewers are really tuning in and watching Amazon Prime Video.
If Prime Video was sold as a stand-alone streaming service, it would more accurately reflect the true number of subscribers. Because many subscribers to Prime may not use the streaming service all that much and could even be watching another they choose to subscribe to instead.
The content on Prime certainly is not better than what is on Hulu, Disney+, or even AppleTV+. But since this data provided by JustWatch only looks at total subscriber numbers it may not be a 100% accurate picture.
Disney Growth Stagnant While Hulu Drops Subscribers
Last quarter, Hulu lost subscribers, and Disney subscriber growth was flat. HBO Max has been the outlier last quarter when it comes to subscriber growth. It will be interesting to see if this growth continues in the 3rd quarter.
One thing is for certain, our current economy is having a dampening effect on some streaming TV provider subscribers. As many subscribers are canceling their expensive subscriptions in favor of lower-cost money saving TV services. Or for those that offer better content. And some are forgoing paying for TV altogether in favor of Free streaming television channels like these.
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