What If You Could Watch Free Videos that Make You Think

What If You Could Watch Free Videos that Make You Think

What If is a Video Channel that Asks the Questions that Make You Think

What If Videos

Presenting Videos that use imagination and exploration yet are grounded in scientific theory

What If is a Facebook and YouTube video channel with professionally filmed videos that will expand your way of thinkig. With videos like what it would be like to travel to two recently discovered potentially habitable exoplanets which are closer than we thought. Could mankind some day make the journey and begin human life on a new habitable planet? This could be much closer to becoming reality than we think.

Ever found yourself contemplating what might happen if the big picture that makes up life in our universe was a little… different? The What If Show answers the grand speculative scenarios and bizarre possibilities we all may wonder about.

These Are Popular Videos Trending Now On What If 

If you have a media streamer, you can watch these all on your TV by visiting the What If Channel on YouTube.

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