New Cable Law Will Save You Money

This New Law Will Save You Money on a Cable Bill

Cable Companies can No Longer Charge For Owner Provided Equipment

Cable Law Can Save You Money

Congress just passed a new law that can save you extra cash each month

No more dirty double-dipping for cable TV companies now that a new law passed on the 20th of December. This new law forbids cable TV broadband and Internet Providers from charging rental fees for customer-owned equipment.

Many people choose to buy their own cable modem, instead of paying expensive monthly rental fees. These hidden fees are often overlooked and they can really add up after several years. Consumers often end up spending many times more on rental fees than the cost of buying a device outright.

Some cable companies kept on charging rental fees for customers that bought their own equipment. This was double dipping and this new law outlaw this. Now if you buy your own cable modem, like the number one, top-ranked Motorola MB7420, you won't be charged any more annoying rental fees.

This is a big win for consumers who are faced with constant price hikes on their broadband and cable TV services from the cable industry.

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This Law Also Provides Relief Against Hidden TV Charges

Another thing this law did was to eliminate hidden charges from cable TV bills. This tactic is often used to inflate monthly bills and will force cable TV providers to offer more transparency in their pricing. 
This is another win for consumers who were often subjected to hidden fees and charges on their monthly cable TV bill.

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