5 Reasons The Streaming Stick Plus Is The Best Roku Streamer
You would probably never guess the rather inexpensive Roku Streaming Stick Plus is one of the best Roku models. And don't underestimate what it has to offer. Especially when comparing it to some of its more expensive rivals.
This is what helps make the Roku Streaming Stick Plus the Best Roku Ever!
Lower Cost 4K HDR Streaming Stick
When it comes to mainstream 4K HDR media streamers there are now several options to choose from.
The Roku Streaming Stick Plus is on the lower end of the price scale. And it costs only ten dollars more than the new 4K Fire TV Stick. And it is $100 less than the higher end Nvidia SHIELD and Apple TV 4K.
While different brand media streamers all have their pros and cons, we still love the Roku software for its simplicity. Because it is so easy to use, almost anyone can pick up the Roku remote and begin browsing through all their channels. And within minutes, start streaming endless TV content.
While the Nvidia SHIELD, Apple TV and Fire TV also have a nice selection of apps to choose from, Roku still is the leader. Because they still offer a much wider range of both subscription and also Free Roku Channels.
With so many different channels and genres covered in the Roku channel store and also a long list of Private Roku channels that can be added by codes. It's almost like having an endless supply of streaming content to watch right on your TV 24/7.
Best Roku For Traveling
Roku makes another great 4K HDR media player the Ultra. While it offers everything the Streaming Stick Plus has and even a little more like an Ethernet port which we really like, it is not as portable. And this can be important when taking a Roku along on a trip.
The Streaming Stick Plus is tiny. Because it only measures 3.7" Long, by 0.8" wide and less than 1/2" thick it can fit in a small tin box for safe keeping.
Roku Streaming Stick Plus is Easily Hidden
Because the Roku Streaming Stick Plus is so small, it can easily be hidden behind a television set with a USB port.
The USB port is important because only the Streaming Stick Plus comes with enhanced WiFi which has 4X more range than the standard Roku Streaming Stick. And the accessory WiFI receiver needs additional power that is provided by the television's USB port.
This makes for a nice clean installation with no dangling wires hanging from a wall mounted flat panel TV.
Smooth Powerful Performance
Even though the Roku Streaming Stick Plus is small, it packs a powerful punch. Because, it has the same hardware under the hood as even the more expensive Roku Ultra.
It's a powerful media streamer that can smoothly play 4K HDR content with ease.
Easily Lock It Up When Not In Use
When all Roku players are linked to the same account, any channels you add to one will be available on all.
Roku does not have Parental controls based on channel ratings. Yet you can still easily lock it down by adding a pin to add new channels from the Roku Channel Store.
How To Add a Pin to Roku
1. Sign into your Roku Account
2. Click the blue Update Button Under Pin preference
3. Follow the on-screen directions to create your Pin
You can easily change by clicking the blue update button again.
If you have young children that you want to limit what they can watch, creating two Roku accounts is the best solution.
Lock one account down with a pin and only add Family Friendly channels like these. Only link one Roku that you want the kids to watch. And then on another Roku account only link the Roku Streaming Stick Plus. Because you can add adult rated channels to watch when the kids are in bed.
To make double sure your kids can't access these channels if your away. Simply unplug the Roku Streaming Stick Plus and lock it up or take it with you to make sure your kids can watch it on your TV when you're not at home.
How to Watch Local TV Channels On Roku For FREE!
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