Logitech Harmony Elite Universal Remote
When you think of Logitech does an image of a cheap mouse or keyboard comes to mind? This Logitech Harmony Elite Universal Remote will shake these images from your mind forever.
Harmony Remotes have always been some of the most popular universal remotes ever made. They come in all price ranges from basic low cost models to the tip top of the line which is the Logitech Harmony Elite
Logitech is a company that makes a lot of cool stuff that many people may not know about. They make expensive Racing wheel controllers found in $80K Car Racing simulators. Logitech also makes a very nice high end universal remote control that will make pretty much all other remotes pale in comparison.
Quality Comes at a Price
We have to warn you, this remote will cause sticker shock for most. It's not a remote you will find in the electronics section at Walmart. But if you are looking for something beyond the ordinary that looks great and offers a ton of features including controlling a NEST Thermostat. You won't be disappointed with this universal remote control.Harmony Elite Features:
This universal remote is one of the best Harmony remotes yet and it comes with some very nice features.- Home Theater Control
- Smart Home Control
- Automatically Dim Room Lighting When Starting a Movie
- Charging Station to Charge Remote When Not In Use
- Control Up to 15 Devices
- Program Remote from Mobile App
- Full Color Touch Screen
If you have your home theater gear tucked away inside a cabinet, this remote also comes with IR mini blasters that can control your devices.
The fit and feel of this remote is top notch and it fits perfectly in your hand. The buttons are in just the right place and best of all it is designed to work with Roku over your home network WiFi or IR.
To check compatibility between all your devices, check the Harmony Compatibility List.
One of the things we enjoy most on our current remote is the backlit key function. Buying a new universal remote control that did not have this would be a deal breaker. Thankfully this remote includes both backlit keys and a nice touch screen.
The touch screen is no ordinary touch screen, it includes a tactile feed back function which makes it vibrate each time you touch the screen. This is much nicer than simply touching a screen with no feedback at all.
Be sure to check out this great video review and see everything the Logitech Harmony Elite Remote can do!
As mentioned, the price of this remote is really the biggest drawback. Amazon has them listed for less than retail. You can sometimes also find them at an even greater discount refurbished.
Check here for best price on the Logitech Elite Harmony Remote
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