Simple.TV - DVR for your Roku
"Watch, pause and record live TV from your iPad, Roku box, web browser and more"
How Simple.TV Works
Simple.TV is a device that let's you record over the air from an HD antenna with it's built in single QAM tuner to a USB 2.0 or 3.0 external hard drive of your choice. It does not hook directly to your TV like a conventional cable or satellite DVR. Rather it will stream the recorded content to a Roku, iPad or Mac Computer when connected by Ethernet cable to your Router. According to the companies website, they will be adding more compatible devices soon. Simple.TV will only record basic network channels that come over the airwaves for free. It will not record encrypted or premium cable channels although it can record QAM HD cable channels that are clear and unencrypted.How Much Does a Simple.TV DVR Cost?
Simple.TV charges $149 for their DVR. plus tax and shipping. Much like TiVo or they also sell access to their premiere guide which schedules individual recordings and also entire seasons. You do not need to purchase the guide except you then lose access to a lot of extra features and will need to schedule your shows manually. The guide service is another $49 a year. Or, you can buy the Simple.TV DVR and a lifetime subscription to the guide for $299. Along with the enhanced guide features you can also stream and watch five different recording to five devices at the same time.Where to buy Simple.TV
Simple TV is no longer available on Amazon and for now eBay has them for a good price.For the latest in TvStreaming and Cord-Cutting News
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