Time Warner Cable is Testing Skinny Bundles with a Roku
Another Cable TV company, Time Warner is offering a skinny streaming bundle of channels to a limited market on a trial basis.
Time Warner Customers will have a chance to choose either their $10, 20+ channel bundle, or a $20, 20+ bundle with Showtime and Starz included in the package. Or, they can go all out, and choose the $50, 70 channel package which also includes Showtime and Starz.
According to reports from DSL Reports, Time Warner up until now has been hesitant to offer lower cost streaming packages. Their CEO reportedly has been heard stating that "Time Warner is the Mercedes of the Television Industry".
Time Warner Cable continues to test a so-called "skinny bundle" in the New York City area, which consists solely of a free Roku 3 and a limited assortment of channels streamed via broadband.
According to the promotional flyer sent to customers, under the trial they have the choice of a $10 20+ channel bundle, a $20, 20+ channel bundle with Showtime and Starz, and a $50, 70 channel bundle that also includes Showtime and Starz.
So far, this trial is only being offered in the New York City market. Time Warner has not yet made public if they will expand it to include other markets as well.
This follow Charter Cable's lead who has also implemented their Spectrum Streaming plan which includes a new Roku 3 for select markets in the U.S.
One thing is certain, the way large cable companies are bleeding customers, something needed to be done to stop the bleeding. If this is a tourniquet, or just a band-aid, will still remain to be seen.
Time Warner Cable TV Customers
If you are already a TWC TV subscriber and have one of their cable TV boxes, you can use a Roku on other televisions and save on extra rental fees.Just add their Roku channel below and link it to your Roku by logging in with your TWC account.
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Click Here to Add TWC to Your Roku |
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