OAN Roku News Channel
One America News Network for Indepenent News
They Don't Lean Right and They Don't Lean Left. One America News Network reports the news as it happens without bias. Something that is kind of refreshing these days.
Are you tired of listening to the news through rose-colored lenses? One America News wants to change that and give you something you won't see very often on the news anymore. They just report the news minus all the commentary, opinions, and blah, blah, blah, filters that we often have to muddle through every day just to try and figure out what's really going on.
When you consider, most all U.S. News Networks lean somewhere to the left of center in American politics today. Then you have Fox News one of the very few that leans a little harder to the right. Having a news agency that reports the news as it happens in a timely manner without their network leaning opinions, is something we just don't see much anymore.
Believe it or not, there was a time in our history when this was actually quite common for News Agencies to do. News Anchors would just go on TV and then they "Reported the News". Much of the devision in this country can be directly atributed on how we get our news. Most news is presented in a fasion to incite anger, keep us fixated and craving more just like a drug. This is all methodically done and planned out to keep us coming back for more in order to keep their ratings high and advertisers happy.
When you have a more left leaning site like Huffington Post gushing about this new Non-Liberal and Not Fox News Network player on the block. This makes you want to sit up and take notice.
So with our curiosity properly piqued, we had to see if a Roku channel was available for this Independent One America News Network. Guess what, there is. Before we tell you a little more about their Roku channel, you may want to check out their OAN website.
Their website is Free and it's filled full of great non-left and non-right leaning news which is mostly syndicated from Europe.
Their YouTube Channel, also Free, has a ton of great videos you can watch as well. If you still happen to have cable TV, some providers are now even including the OAN channel in their channel lineup.
OAN Roku Channel
Now for some bad news, the OAN Roku Channel costs $4.99 a month. It does offers a Live Feed of 24/7 News, so it may be very much worth it to be able to watch your news on a daily basis from a less divisive point of view for a change.
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