Audible Channels Now Free With Prime!

Amazon Prime Members, Amazon just added Audible Channels for FREE

Audible is a collection of audio-only original programs that normally costs $4.95 a month

Prime members, now access Audible Channels for FREE!

Audibles is a collection of podcasts which cover genres like lectures, comedies, news and articles which are updated by Amazon on a regular basis. This service also gives you access to over 50 Premium Audiobooks you can also listen to for free.

Install the Audible app either from Google Play or from the Apple Appstore and you will have full access to their entire library of content for free with your Amazon Prime Account.

This is just another reason Amazon Prime is becoming on of those services that will make it worthwhile.

Besides offering Audible for free, if you are a Prime Member, you can also take advantage of these: 8 Incredible Features of Amazon Prime

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